Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gift Checklist

One of my app proposal ideas for Project 5 was a Gift Checklist, so that all year-long I could log ideas for people I knew I'd have to buy birthday and holiday presents for (take pictures of items, include prices and store info., etc.). I scrapped that idea and went with another one but today I discovered "The Christmas List" app. I decided to pay the $0.99 for it so I could really take it for a test-drive and compare the app functionality with what I had in mind.

One thing this app has that I was not going to include is a budget. Practical, yes...but I personally prefer not to track that as I buy for my loved ones. I'd much rather shop in denial. While you can choose "No budget" for each recipient, you are still often reminded about the money issue which is something I'd like to turn off. However, this would be great if you were doing a Secret Santa with friends or co-workers and are forced to work within a budget.

1 comment:

  1. This is fun--I will have to check it out. It may help since I too shop in denial! :)
