Friday, September 28, 2012


Hoover came out with a series of print ads focused on the "clean freak" concept, which is a relatable concept for the product's audience. They took another conceptual approach in the last print ad focusing on "power". 
"You clean before and after the maid comes." 
"You don't believe in the five second rule. Do germs count to five?" 
"You've considered many times vacuuming your cat."

Drunk Valet Concept

Drunk driving campaigns are normally emotional appeals, showing viewers horrific accidents which incite fear or sadness. This particular campaign takes a different approach to this issue entirely.

The believe the concept of this ad is the trusting relationship between a valet and a client. When you hand your keys over to a valet, you expect a sober, responsible valet, so by throwing this dynamic for a loop, this ad cleverly approaches the issue of drunk driving, concluding with the statement: "Never let a drunk driver take your car. Even if that driver is you." You wouldn't knowingly hand your keys over to a drunk valet, so why would you yourself get behind the wheel while intoxicated.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Unlikely Sports Capital

I finally made it to an Orioles game last night and witnessed a 12-2 game win over the Blue Jays. Seeing the Orioles featured on the latest cover of Sports Illustrated blew my mind a little. And, what a dynamic image to incorporate into their cover design! Between the Orioles and the Ravens, it is a pretty great time to be a Baltimore sports fan.

The Baltimore Sun: Orioles get big-time respect from Sports Illustrated

Thursday, September 20, 2012

36 Hours in Baltimore

Baltimore scored The New York Times "36 Hours" coverage, pretty neat!

The article opens with a quote from John Waters about his hometown: "'YOU can look far and wide, but you'll never discover a stranger city with extreme style." Despite our public transportation debate on the first day of class, I hope everyone finds one aspect of Baltimore -- whether it's a bar, a shop or a neighborhood -- endearing.

I've visited the American Visionary Art Museum several times since I live just a few blocks away and it is worth a visit. The writer refers to the "Recovery" piece, a self-portrait of a British mental patient that was carved from an apple tree trunk before he committed suicide -- and it sure gave me the chills when I saw it. I'm also always on the search for a new brunch spot (aren't we all?), and after reading this, it looks like an Elvis Special at Clementine's is in the cards for me. Enjoy the read!

Show & Tell: Wheel Alignment

I feel significantly less humorous and creative after searching the web for visual and verbal explanations. Anyone else? This comical approach to "How To: Draw A Horse" by Van Oktop wouldn't fit the criteria to achieve an A on Project 2, but it gave me a giggle. 

My parents had three girls. I've always tried my best to cater to the potential void my Dad feels and humor him when car maintenance issues arise. For Project 2, I've been considering doing a car-related topic, and breaking it down to a mentally digestible and doable form for those less car savvy people, like me. 

On the other hand, it was interesting reading Car and Driver's DIY Wheel Alignment feature -- a magazine whose audience is quite the opposite of me, hence why the level of difficulty associated with this explanation was only a 4. I was a few words in when I started to feel alienated. Regardless, Car and Driver did a fantastic job throughout the piece. They prefaced the steps with a definition of car parts relevant to the operation, the illustrations work well with each step and they even provide part costs. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

birthday cake

Today is my 26th birthday and amidst all of the cupcakes and cake I've already managed to consume today, it got me thinking about the process involved in making and/or decorating cakes. I stumbled upon the Cake Fixation's explanation of how to create the "Two Peas in a Pod Cupcake Topper" which is absolutely adorable.

Stephanie's blog is full of cake-related tips and tutorials and she even has a tutorial entitled "How to Make a Fire Breathing Dragon Cake". That particular cake requires a trip to the hardware store for PVC pipe and the use of an electric screwdriver so you can immediately count me out on that one! I'll stick to my Betty Crocker box recipe and hand mixer.

Flaky Pastry

While flipping through an issue of Travel & Leisure magazine, I came across a feature written by David Lebovitz, detailing his search for the best croissant in Paris.

The croissant image completely nails the essence of this flaky pastry and the way he describes his search makes you feel like you are on the morning stroll with him as he jumps from one spot to the next until he devours his dream croissant and issues the verdict: Patisserie Boulangerie Ble Sucre. He explains that what set it apart from all the others was "a masterful hint of French sea salt in the dough." As a croissant lover, that sounds pretty perfect to me. I appreciate the address side bar where he lists the addresses of each place he visited along with the cost of croissant at the given location. David Lebovitz is a former pastry chef and has his own blog about living the sweet life in Paris.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What "food" means to me.

Talking about, writing about, reading about, hearing about and thinking about food is a way of everyday life. Food will never cease to be a commanding subject in our culture.
Food is universal and yet entirely unique.
Food is powerful and evokes reaction.
As we discovered in our first class, the durian fruit, revered in southeast Asia as the “king of fruits”, is both deeply appreciated and deeply disgusted (thanks Hong!)

Food can impact your mood & set a tone.
I can’t help but get a little excited as I approach the Chik-fil-a drive-through window, ready to appease my taste buds. Finding a cupcake on my desk from a coworker after a rough week can do wonders for my mental health.

When I’m in need of a little comfort, a grilled cheese is my go-to.
Or, on a Sunday morning, I’ll break out the pancake batter & choc chips – as my mom would always do.

Food is synonymous with special occasions.
Lobster is my birthday dinner request (if I’m lucky).
There WILL BE apple pie at Thanksgiving.
Christmas eve dinner = meat fondue; July 4th = crab feast.
Food is tradition.

Food creates memories. Food is something that bonds people together.
First dates are often structured around food – serving as a great ice breaker.
I still laugh about the time a high school crush and I managed to completely burn a frozen pizza. Getting together with friends and family and spending hours together in the kitchen preparing a meal and sharing stories are the moments that I most deeply VALUE.

Food delivers (literally and figuratively).
What does food mean to you?